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Anesthesia failures can result in medical malpractice

People enter hospitals every day for surgical procedures in Maryland. Some of these procedures are performed because of an emergency situation, and some procedures are elective. One feature surgeries in general typically have in common is the need for some form of anesthesia. Successfully administered anesthesia is critical to the successful outcome of an operation, and an error in administering anesthesia can cause permanent damage or death, and result in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Communication between patients, families and medical staff can contribute to the successful outcome of a procedure and to enabling an anesthesiologist to successfully do his or her job. Information such as medical history, known allergies and other issues can yield valuable and sometimes lifesaving information. Pre-operative assessments are intended to inform a medical staff of issues that may impact how anesthesia is handled.

Another area of concern may be communication between the anesthesiologist, the surgeon and other medical practitioners. In an attempt to reduce the risk in non-emergency procedures, it is suggested that patients request a meeting with the anesthesiologist who will be providing care. This should occur as much as a week before surgery, and allows for an extensive exchange of information and for changes, if necessary, to help ensure the patient’s safety.

Surgeons and medical professionals are truly gifted people who take people’s lives in their hands every day in Maryland. In spite of one’s best efforts, not every life can be saved. If a life is lost due to apparent failure to adequately provide or monitor anesthesia, a case for a medical malpractice lawsuit may exist.

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