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Beware of internal bleeding after a car crash

Serious injuries after a car crash are often very obvious. Victims may bleed profusely and suffer obvious fractures. Nonetheless, not all catastrophic injuries are immediately noticeable. 

Internal bleeding of the organs is potentially life-threatening, and the signs aren’t always immediately obvious. Here are some key symptoms to be aware of. 

What is internal bleeding? 

Internal bleeding occurs when blood escapes internally from damaged blood vessels. It can happen anywhere in the body, but it frequently involves the internal organs in the abdomen. Here are some of the more common symptoms: 

  • Abdominal pain- Internal bleeding can occur in the stomach, liver and other organs. Usually, the bleeding is accompanied by some swelling and tenderness in the affected area. 
  • Lightheadedness- Those who suffer internal bleeding often feel lightheaded. This happens when a lot of blood is lost and the brain becomes oxygen-deprived. 
  • Bruising and discoloration- It’s important that car accident victims look out for bruising and discoloration, as they can indicate internal damage. While seatbelts save lives, internal injuries are often caused by them. Victims should check for bruising caused by the seat belt. 
  • Shortness of breath- When bleeding occurs in the lungs, the victim may suffer shortness of breath and chest pains.  

Internal bleeding is a medical emergency and it’s important to seek immediate medical attention. The only way to definitively rule out internal bleeding is with a thorough diagnosis and the appropriate scans. 

If your car accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to personal injury compensation. This will help cover your medical expenses and other accident-related costs. Seeking legal guidance will improve your chances of success.

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