Passionate About Protecting Your Rights

Recover The Compensation You Need After An Auto Accident

You were going about your day with no idea that the next few seconds would have a huge impact on your life. Another driver crashed into your vehicle, and the injuries have left you struggling to recover, resume work and enjoy a healthy life.

At Reinstein, Glackin & Herriott, LLC, our lawyers understand that many people find the thought of an injury claim or lawsuit daunting. Rest assured, there is no risk in speaking with an attorney to review your legal options. The sooner you get legal advice, the better. Our trial attorneys have worked with many clients through the years who were grappling with car accident injuries and came to us not knowing where to start. With our knowledgeable guidance and compassionate representation, we have helped countless individuals seek justice and recover the monetary damages for which they were eligible.

What To Do After A Crash

We have your best interests at the forefront of our work. While every case is different, below are a few pieces of advice that many of our clients have found helpful when first meeting with us after a car accident:

  • Seek a medical evaluation as soon as possible: Sometimes people are in shock after a car accident and think they can put off the decision regarding whether to pursue emergency medical care. Postponing an examination may harm your case, as legal opponents may claim that you “were fine immediately after the accident.”
  • Refrain from speaking about the accident before you have legal advice: Do not give statements to police investigators or insurance company representatives (beyond the basics of your name and the location of the accident) before consulting with an attorney who will watch out for your rights and interests. Also, do not discuss the accident via social media, although you may, of course, let people close to you know that you were hurt and are recovering.
  • Continue treatments and follow doctors’ recommendations: After the initial care that you received in the emergency room or with another medical provider, follow through with the doctor’s orders for treatment and recovery. Not doing so could hurt the credibility of your case in court.
  • Keep a log: If possible, your first notes should include contact information of eyewitnesses. Then, continue to take frequent notes or enlist someone close to you to help. Write down evidence of the day-to-day impact of your injuries, how you are feeling and how it is affecting your ability to work or go about other tasks in your daily life.

For A Free Consultation, Call Reinstein, Glackin & Herriott, LLC

To learn whether you have a case after a car accident injury, call our offices in Annapolis or Rockville, Maryland, at 301-850-7349 to talk to our attorneys. Another option is to send us an email. We represent injured people on a contingency basis.