Passionate About Protecting Your Rights

When Divorce Happens Later In Life

Your children are grown, and you and your spouse have an empty nest. You’ve had a long marriage, but that marriage is not working anymore. With many more years of life ahead of you, perhaps now is the time for a transition that could lead to happier days ahead. Sometimes referred to as “silver divorce,” divorce later in life is becoming more common.

These divorces may not involve aspects of child custody or child support, but you and your spouse likely have significant assets. Further adding to the complexity are retirement accounts. At Reinstein, Glackin & Herriott, LLC, our attorneys are highly experienced in these matters, specifically:

  • Federal employee pensions — We determine the value and help you decide whether to divide or offset in another way.
  • Military pensions — Our lawyers can help you understand how taking veteran’s disability benefits can impact the retirement paid out to both spouses. In fact, other lawyers often seek out our firm when they need assistance on cases involving military pensions.
  • Divorce when there is a family-owned business — We determine the true value of the business and options moving forward.
  • High net worth divorce — Our firm understands how important privacy in these matters may be for you. For clients on somewhat amicable terms, we offer mediation and collaborative law as alternatives to traditional divorce representation.

Contact The Attorneys At Reinstein, Glackin & Herriott, LLC

If you are considering divorce, we are here to offer trusted guidance. Call our offices in Annapolis or Rockville, Maryland, at 301-850-7349. Another option to begin scheduling an initial consultation with one of our lawyers is to send our staff an email.