Children here in Maryland whose parents are not in a relationship and don’t live together still have financial needs to be met. For some parents, this means that one will make child support payments to the other parent, who is typically considered the custodial parent. However, there are times when a parent may fall behind on making these payments for various reasons. When this happens, it is ultimately the child who suffers the most. This is why one county in another state decided to extend its amnesty program into this month in the hopes that parents would be able to catch back up on their child support payments.
The county says that it originally slated the amnesty program to run during the month of August, but has decided to extend until the end of September. Though parents will still be responsible for making up any overdue child support payments, the program will allow them to work out new terms for those payments. In the past, these types of amnesty programs have increased payments by 65%, which advocates say makes it well worth the effort.
The county family services division says that it handles over $72 million in child support payments annually. Representatives say they are well aware of the ripple effect that nonpayment can have. Some parents may lose their driver’s license or another they are overdue on payments, making it more difficult for the parent to work and generate the income needed to cover child support.
Whether a parent falls behind on child support payments due to a job loss, medical expenses or another reason, it is possible to come to some type of resolution, with or without an amnesty program. A parent who is having difficulty making or receiving child support payments may want to talk to an attorney here in Maryland. An attorney can help create an agreement or modify an existing one. The most important thing is that children receive necessary care.