After reuniting with your child following an international parental abduction, you may feel both relieved and anxious. You can take steps to protect your child and your rights from another custody breach in Bowie. Parental abduction happens when one parent takes a...
Child Custody
How should you handle holidays when co-parenting?
Co-parenting isn’t always easy. Certain challenges occur in this type of arrangement that you might be able to plan for. One of these is how you’re going to handle holidays. Before you set the plan for holidays, you and your ex should think about what’s going to be...
What is the Hague Convention?
The Hague Convention is a set of treaties or agreements that a number of countries, including the United States, signed and use to deal with legal issues across international borders. One aspect of the Hague Convention is about child abduction. When parents from...
What can you do to enforce child custody orders?
Court-issued custody orders are legally binding to both parents, but it does not necessarily mean your co-parent will comply with the terms. It can be rather frustrating when this happens, not to mention the disruption and emotional stress it can cause you and your...
Should your virtual visitation setup change this summer?
Summer months bring a shift in routine for many families, particularly those navigating a co-parenting arrangement. This season often includes extended holidays, summer camps and family vacations, potentially making it important for co-parents to reevaluate and adjust...
Parallel vs. co-parenting arrangements
In the past few decades, as courts and society as a whole have moved away from a “sole custody” default model, parallel parenting and co-parenting have emerged as two primary approaches for managing the upbringing of children. Understanding the differences between...
What is a birdnesting custody arrangement?
A majority of divorced parents in Maryland share custody of their children. Each parent typically has a certain percentage of parenting time, and the children move back and forth between their homes. Traditional shared custody arrangements can cause a lot of...
Do I need my ex’s approval when going on a vacation with our child?
For most people, a family vacation is something worth looking forward to. However, this excitement can be considerably complicated if a child’s parents are no longer together and the vacation in question involves traveling out of state. Depending on the terms of any...
How do visitation rights work?
When parents in Maryland end their marriage, issues surrounding the children and custody arrangements are typically the most emotional and challenging parts of the divorce process. If parents are unable to put their differences aside and agree on a child custody...
Avoid child custody problems this summer
Most Maryland schools have recently been let out for summer break. For divorced parents, summertime often poses a few logistic challenges, particularly if both parents work full-time outside their respective households. Parents who keep their children’s best interests...