Any Maryland parent currently navigating divorce is undoubtedly concerned with how the changes in their lives might affect their children. They must resolve numerous child custody issues in order to finalize their divorce. To help children cope, it is a good idea for parents to implement helpful tips for communication.
Avoid child custody discussions if emotions aren’t under control
Commonly, lingering feelings of betrayal, frustration or anger exist regarding past marital problems that have prompted the decision to file for divorce. Some days, such emotions might rise to the surface, and a parent might not want to see or speak to his or her ex. It is best to avoid meeting to discuss child custody issues on such days because chances are greater that a confrontation might develop. It is better to reserve such discussions for days when both parents feel like they can control their emotions.
Keep child-related discussions private
Many parents enter new romantic relationships after divorce, some even remarrying and becoming a blended family with a new spouse and, perhaps, step-children. If a specific custody issue arises, there is no need to include a new partner in the discussion unless both parents agree that he or she should be present. When co-parents meet one-on-one, it is less complex and easier to make unified decisions.
Work together to develop boundaries and rules for interaction
Suppose a Maryland parent feels strongly that he or she does not want his or her ex showing up unannounced. In that case, they can incorporate terms into the child custody agreement stating that each parent must call the other parent ahead of time before visiting. Parents whose goal is to avoid conflict may also want to agree never to speak disrespectfully to or negatively about each other, especially in front of the kids.
Even with the best intentions, legal problems can sometimes still arise as parents live out a child custody plan after divorce. If this happens, there are additional resources available to help resolve such issues.